SHOES MASTER 台灣版 2008 Fall/Winter 秋冬 edition featuring JJ.

Check out my sneaker collection!


- LIVE from JFJ Base Camp.

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:林怡鳳 (Rap: JJ)       :林俊傑


RAP:   Hey Greedy, don’t fret  

What you see is what you get

You name it, I have it

What you see is what you get

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(74) 人氣()

吸油面紙是藝人常用的工作需要品,但是有沒有看過這個! 鈔票吸油面紙!厲害了!

還夾在假錢包裡面!而且有很多信用卡喔! 哈哈哈哈。。。真的很 “潮” 耶!!

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(59) 人氣()


11/14(五) 19:00 新莊_佳瑪廣場

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(93) 人氣()

吸油面紙是藝人常用的工作需要品,但是有沒有看過這個! 鈔票吸油面紙!厲害了!

還夾在假錢包裡面!而且有很多信用卡喔! 哈哈哈哈。。。真的很 “潮” 耶!!

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(54) 人氣()


11/14(五) 19:00 新莊_佳瑪廣場

11/15(六) 14:00 台北_統一元氣館

      19:30 台南_南方公園

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(103) 人氣()

“Does he look like JJ the clown?”

My family and friends back in Singapore sent me an article recently. The article questioned my new image and suggested it being “a colorful riot of clashing plaid patterns” and looking “more like a clown than an artiste”.
If it had been an article from elsewhere, I would not have been that hurt and disappointed. But it came from my homeland…
“To be or not to be, that is the question…”
(Hamlet - William Shakespeare)

I remember the bold steps I’ve taken in the past, steps I took to express my art and music.

One of the important lessons I’ve learnt over the years – Whenever an artist tries for a change, he should be ready to face a bombardment of controversial comments from all over. If he decides to stay put, again he might be criticized for being insincere and uncreative.

We are never satisfied.

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jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(38) 人氣()

jjfusion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(28) 人氣()

g=EN-US>JJ拍攝『赤壁on line』電視廣告,飾演周瑜。




結合『赤壁on line』廣告的故事題材,『醉赤壁』的音樂錄影帶,以穿越時空的方式重回到過去的場景,回遡到當初小喬以往的種種(小喬被擄走、抱著周瑜的盔甲哭泣流淚,仍然心繫良人,期望周瑜早日出現解救她;周瑜飛奔回家後發現小喬的平安字跡……感觸極深)。林俊傑深情款款的唱著這首由方文山特別為他量身打造的『醉赤壁』,讓周瑜與大喬的愛情永世流傳…


l  搖擺潮流舞風__不潮不用花錢MV




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