Here's my RS6 in customized Pearl White and Piano Black rims.
It's probably Audi's last 4-door monster, as it prides itself with the V10 Lamborghini engine.
The future RS6 would feature a twin-turbocharged V8 engine, which although it produces the same power, just won't feel the same
no more ...
At 580hp, this is indeed a dangerous car - it outruns the F430!

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A short teaser to the upcoming SMG 2011 campaign THE INVISIBLE MAN,enjoy!
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This is it, the 10th and 11th stop to my "I AM" World Tour.
Taipei was where I begun, and those two nights, we made history.

Linda Liao

Ah Xin of MAYDAY
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3月初,林俊傑帶著巡迴4個月的《I AM》回到家鄉新加坡,站在自己生長的土地上,這個舞台對他來說別具意義,同樣地,對我們這些一直以來陪著他努力的工作人員來說,也格外重要。3月5日,台灣、內地、馬來西亞、新加坡的海蝶音樂企宣部15位同事,為了相同目標聚集在這裡,我們夢想親眼看這場秀。新加坡的陽光溫暖卻不刺眼,我時常抬頭看天空,心裡期待著:「就是今晚,最棒的一場秀終於要登場了!」
突然,他跟化妝師小菁姐說:今天我們化不一樣的妝,可以嗎? 所以,新加坡場他化了一個好性感的煙熏妝 :p
蕭敬騰是最稱職的特別嘉賓,2人在舞台上放肆嘶吼著偶像Michael Jackson的舞曲,逗趣的玩著月球漫步,燈光配著強烈的鼓拍,所有觀眾沒有停止過尖叫,那一刻,我們都忍不住站起來。
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今天是大年初一,正式開始新的一年,回想起2010年總覺得是豐收的一整年,在內地巡迴八場的【I AM】演唱會,心中有許多感動和回憶,更藉此認識了各國的專業團隊人員,也因此和北京,上海,成都,廣州,長沙,南京,武漢,天津的JM們見面。今天就先來分享在內地巡迴這幾場的一些照片。
記得首場北京站的前一晚在飯店沒睡好,隔天醒來工作人員拿了這頂帽子進來房間,我突然眼睛一亮!酷耶!這頂是特別和我的品牌SMG合作的商品,I AM演唱會限量製作。



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Spent a night hands-on with the SLR McLaren, I categorize it as one of the giant classic super cars of all time, in the league with the Ferrari 599, Aston Martin DBS…
I was blown away by the sheer amount of torque the car produces… albeit a little heavy for my age… lol.
SLR stands for “Sport, Leicht, Rennsport” (sport, light, racing)

Side Exhaust, the McLaren’s signature.

Engine Hood opens up like no other, fully carbon fibre – light weight.
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2010. Extreme highs and extreme lows in my life, health, and career.
This year has been a journey through the rough NY blizzard…
Searing cold as it may have been, we are all glad we’ve come thus far,
Survival of the fittest, we tread, on anticipating the morning sun.
A well-lived 2010.

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This Christmas, me and the crew performed in Caesars Atlantic City. A different way of saying Merry Xmas.

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Got a new toy: the ARDrone. Truly avant garde, the drone is actually controlled by the iphone.
Propelled by 4 lightweight blades, I’m amazed by the sensitive response and quick handling.

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2010 marks the final year for the 5 year long collaboration deal between two respected names in the world, Ferrari and Panerai.
After the official breakup of the two brands, we look forward to Ferrari’s next timepiece project…
the Scuderia Ferrari One by Cabestan…
it is truly the most exclusive watch ever to honour automobile racing.

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My latest addition to my painting collection titled: “Fire From the Clouds” in the spirit of SMG. It measures 130cm tall x 180cm…total of 2 canvases…..Background is handcut stencil spray with 62 layers of paint and aerosol for the texture.

thanks Jahan.
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