Reflecting upon the past year, i sorted out 5 interesting highlights of my life in 2009…
1- Most photographs shot in a year - 17,653 pictures. (average of 50 shots a day)
一。 拍過最多照片的一年 - 17,653張 (平均一天50張)
This year has been a year of capturing moments for me, I saw myself investing much more time and money into photo capturing devices (like the Leica M8.2 + D-Lux 4 Safari editions) than ever before.
2- First entrepreneurial step into the fashion industry - SMG + SMUDGEstore, Singapore.
二。正式經營自己的獨立事業的第一年 - SMG + SMUDGEstore, 新加坡。
3- Worst crisis faced in my career over the past 10 years - Health / Voice sickness, Record Company staff readjustments, Album delays, Concert delays.
三。 10年以來面臨最多挫折的一年。聲帶受損,公司嚴重人事變動,延後發片,延期演唱會。
4- Most Apple products owned in a year - iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch, iPod Classic 160GB, iPod Classic 120 GB, iPod 3rd Generation 20 GB, Macbook Pro 2009 17″, iMac 2009 24″, Macbook Air,Apple TV 160GB, Airport Extreme (2), Airport Express (2), Apple 30″ Cinema HD Display, Mighty Mouse (2), Magic Mouse…
四。 擁有最多蘋果產品的一年 - iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch, iPod Classic 160GB, iPod Classic 120 GB, iPod 3rd Generation 20 GB, Macbook Pro 2009 17″, iMac 2009 24″, Macbook Air, Apple TV 160GB, Airport Extreme (2), Airport Express (2), Apple 30″ Cinema HD Display, Mighty Mouse (2), Magic Mouse…
5- Most big scale concerts / shows performed in a year - 56
五。最多大型演出的一年 - 56場